Sunday, October 26, 2014

Marion, VA

Glorious blue sky day, very windy, and noisy with the wind in the trees and crisp crunch of leaves. The slippery leaves cover the trail as well as the rocks lurking underneath, so I stumble and slide along and my feet and achillles tendons complain accordingly. Sun warm but breeze keeps me cool. Seeing deer everyday, practically tame, don't they know it's hunting season (bow and arrow now)? Saw two hunters walking onto the trail from Atkins yesterday evening.
Tonight I'm in a motel again, having come into this town to resupply. Couldn't hitch a ride, so called a taxi and shared the $16 fare with 3 southbounders also out of food. Tomorrow I can ride Marion Transit back for just 50 cents (doesn't run on Sundays, thus the taxi today).

I left Troutville 2 weeks ago today, 194 miles ago. Still have 257 miles to Hot Springs.

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