Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Maine wrapup

I had such a wonderful time hiking in Maine that it's hard to let go. Despite all the hardships, the challenging terrain and the breathtaking views were magnificent. Far and away my favorite part of the AT. The encounters (and re-encounters) with fellow hikers, especially at the end on Katahdin, were so much fun. Even the limited cell service wasn't a problem, since I managed to go into lots of towns with nice hostels, and all those shuttle possibilities!
I leave for Virginia on Saturday to finish the final 350 miles of my second complete AT experience. Here are some more Maine photos that I neglected to fit in. And an update on that "white rainbow" -- actually a "fog bow", a rainbow produced by tiny water droplets of fog, with much weaker colors so it appears white.

The "tablelands" on top of Katahdin before the summit

Hungry Horse, Bliss, and Dory heading to the top, with Catfish, as he and I started back down.

"Shoes" -- 75 year old and not the oldest hiker this year; so named because he once started a section hike only to realize he'd forgotten his hiking boots at home.

The final shuttle ride, from the hostel in Millinocket to catch our bus to all go home: happy campers!

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