Sunday, September 21, 2014

Monson, mile 114.5

I'm staying at Shaw's lodging house, an institution on the trail, here for years (but for sale so future in doubt). This is the start of the 100 mile "wilderness" but there are roads through it and so it's possible to slack parts or to arrange food drops, so you don't have to carry full weight. I'm sharing a 5 gallon bucket with two others, which will be cached at mile 56. That's assuming I feel well enough-- unfortunately I've caught a cold. Fighting it with big doses of vitamins (Equate) and some cold medicine. Not too bad yet, walked the 9 miles to the trailhead just fine today. So I'll see how I'm doing tomorrow am after the rain clears up.
Here are some more shots of the limo, my cabin at Harrison's Camps, and the massive rocks on Pleasant Pond Mt.

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