Despite some mist and thick clouds early, today turned into a good hiking day for the easy 10 miles into Baxter Park. Trail was mostly flat, following rivers upstream with some nice falls. Here's "Big Niagara" falls:

And a Katahdin view

At Katahdin Stream campground we met a group who had just summited today, guys I shared a rainy night in a shelter in Vermont last month, celebrating with beer. And sharing same.

And also a trail celebrity, "Miss Janet" who runs a hostel in Erwin TN but who enjoys giving out trail magic in Maine when northbounders are finishing up:

Tomorrow we leave the hostel at 6am to get an early start on the mountain

And a Katahdin view

At Katahdin Stream campground we met a group who had just summited today, guys I shared a rainy night in a shelter in Vermont last month, celebrating with beer. And sharing same.

And also a trail celebrity, "Miss Janet" who runs a hostel in Erwin TN but who enjoys giving out trail magic in Maine when northbounders are finishing up:

Tomorrow we leave the hostel at 6am to get an early start on the mountain