Monday, April 7, 2014


Rain and a very cold wind this morning. We dawdled in our sleeping bags while the 2 women who tented and the northbound thruhiker Sparks packed up and headed out. We only had 8 miles to get to Rockfish Gap and the road to Waynesboro, so we finally got moving at 11am. Mist and drizzle and wind continued all day, but we got a quick ride directly to the YMCA and free showers. Then next door to the library and later the grocery store while we waited for the hostel host, a former thruhiker with trail name "Stanimal" to arrive. This evening we're mending (body and gear), doing laundry, and planning the next section
We've been out 2 weeks, over 150 miles with one rest day. A good start, given the weather, terrain, and our antique bodies.

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