Monday, March 24, 2014

Jackson Inn, Wilmington DE

  I met up with my brother at the Jackson Inn, our "local" when in our hometown, located just down the road from the cemetery our parents are buried. Rodney sometimes stays here with his long time friend Fred Bourdon, as have I twice now. While at the bar two nights ago I met a friend of Fred's, a fellow photographer named Peter B. Kaplan. He used to work for Life magazine, specializing in high places. He gave me his card -- a postcard of his "Moon over Manhattan" shot on top of one of the World Trade Center buildings at 1,600 feet showing ironworkers installing the antenna in 1970. He pointed out that the guy mooning eventually died from illnesses incurred from helping with the recovery work at Ground Zero.

We are now in Frederick MD, staying with old friends Bruce and Mary Beth Fleming, and will get a ride to Harpers Ferry tomorrow, weather permitting (snow in the forecast)

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